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From Relief to Resilience

Reimagining Investments

Opportunity for Philanthropy: A Reimagined Framework

The nation has a lot at stake—persistent disparities in financial security across race, ethnicity, and gender; unacceptable wealth gaps; and a dual crisis that is wreaking havoc on women and Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian people. These disparities will have consequences for the nation as a whole. That reality becomes evident when we recognize that the majority of children under 15 are Black, Latinx, Asian, or some combination. Without radical change, these children will grow into adults whose ability to contribute to society is hampered by transgenerational financial disparities.

To facilitate this reimagination, AFN has mapped an investment framework to move the country from relief to resilience using an intentional equity and antiracist lens. That framework is implemented through three broad strategies.




Our reimagined framework uses an equity and antiracist lens to highlight opportunities to assist those currently struggling financially while also building economic well-being for all using a continuum of new policy changes and proven programs through Relief, Recovery and Rebuilding, and Resilience phases, alongside an overarching Reimagining theme.

picture of 3 broad strategies

Reimagining a Just Economic System:
From Relief to Resilience Framework

Use this framework to lead with systems change; balance long-term gains (systems-change) and short-term needs (programs); target women and Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asia people; and integrate racial and gender equity. Reimagining means advancing policies that create a just economic system where race, ethnicity, gender, and other identity factors do not predict financial well-being and all people are treated fairly.

Gears graphic describing the 4 Rs

Inside the brief we expand on a selection of systems-level changes and on-the-ground programs included in the framework as investment opportunities to address some of the markers of financial insecurity.

This paper was generously sponsored by:

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Through its network of grantmakers, the Asset Funders Network (AFN) engages philanthropy to advance equitable wealth building and economic mobility.