Emerging Region! 

New Jersey AFN connects funders and their peers in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors. Together they share promising programs and smart strategies, gather knowledge to make their grantmaking more effective, and work to increase investments in asset building.

Membership is open to funders (including invited intermediaries) who invest in a range of initiatives that build assets for New Jersey residents, from early childhood education, college access, or workforce development to health, financial education, or micro-enterprise. New Jersey actively collaborates with the Greater New York and Connecticut chapters, cultivating an impactful three-region partnership.

If you want to join this evolving chapter, please contact Tina Corea.

Regional Focus Areas

  • Childhood Education
  • College Access
  • Workforce Development
  • Health
  • Financial Education
  • Micro-enterprise

Join our mailing list to stay informed of New Jersey AFN updates and events.

Upcoming Events

January 16 @ 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST : Innovations in Baby Bonds
In partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Institute on Race, Power, and Political Economy at The New School, AFN presents … REGISTER

CLICK HERE for more information and resources from our past events.

Upcoming Events

Steering Committee

Stephanie Greenwood

Victoria Foundation

Tina Corea

Northeast Regional Program Officer

AFN Staff


AFN has created an environment where we can all collaborate on asset-building pathways in New Jersey and has allowed me to drive attention to Newark. I enjoy having the opportunity to highlight the asset-building work taking place in Newark and giving the chance for other funders to invest in Newark as we have for the past 150 years.

Jasmyne Beckford | Prudential Financial

Read Jasmyne Beckford’s Member Spotlight here!

How We Work

  • Inform: Highlight promising practices, key issues, and innovations in the field through funder-only dialogues as well as other convenings. Members provide an insightful regional voice to inform national conversations.
  • Connect: Members learn from each other and from other organizations as they seek solutions to local challenges related to early childhood education, college access, workforce development, health, financial education, or micro-enterprise.
  • Influence: Engage key stakeholders to grow their knowledge and support. This includes efforts to raise the visibility of asset-building within the broader community of foundations, public-sector funders, and financial institutions.
  • Build: Seek to increase the number of grantmakers and resources focused on economic well-being. Members leverage one another’s interests and investments and actively look for additional funders willing to invest in the New Jersey region.