Webinar: When A Job Is Not Enough: Employee Financial Wellness and the Role of Philanthropy
Signs of financial stress among US workers are all around us.
- Nearly half of employees lack emergency savings – enough savings to cover their expenses for three months – and find it difficult to cover their expense and pay their bills.
- Over half of employees say they are somewhat or very stressed about their finances.
- A third of employees say they are less productive at work because of their financial stress.
There are many steps that employers can take –beyond the predominant lens of wages and work — to provide benefits that could increase financial stability. And, employers have taken note.
Please join Asset Funders Network as we launch our newest issue brief, When a Job Is Not Enough: Employee Financial Wellness and the Role of Philanthropy. In this webinar we will explore promising offerings of employer benefits that better address the financial needs of their employees. This trend of expanded benefits is expected to continue to increase with 89% of employers being very or moderately likely to add tools, services, or communications with a focus on building financial well-being.
Employee Financial Wellness Programs open the door for philanthropy to impact financial security in a potentially scalable way, especially among economically vulnerable workers and their families. Join us as we discuss the findings of the brief, including:
- The most promising features and challenges of Employee Financial Wellness Programs (EFWPs);
- What we need to know about the opportunity of EFWPs to address financial security for employees;
- The role of philanthropy in promoting EFWPs.
Mathieu Despard, MSW, Ph.D, Faculty Director, Social Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis
Marissa Guananja, Program Officer for Family Economic Security at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Kim Ostrowski, Vice President, Corporate Giving, Prudential Financial, Inc.
Jeanique Riche-Druses, Vice President, Relationship Manager Global Philanthropy, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (moderator)
The webinar presentation is cosponsored Philanthropy New York.