Regional Event, Webinar in New Jersey, New York

Women, Debt, and Dependent Care: Understanding the High Costs of Family Care

Online Event

All families are likely to need dependent care for children and/or elderly family members. However, the cost of childcare and elder care leaves too many families struggling to make financial ends meet. Low and moderate income families are particularly vulnerable and oftentimes left without proper and affordable options to care for loved ones. Family caregiving intersects with many of the financial security issues that AFN members work to address.

According to a report by New America, child care costs are more than in state college tuition in 33 U.S. states and parents oftentimes have not saved for the expense in advance of needing child care. At the same time, the cost of child care and in home elder care is rising as more families pay out of pocket. Caregiving costs are exacerbated by the need for flexible schedules and unplanned leave. And, care givers are among the lowest paid workers and oftentimes lacking even the most modest protections in the workforce. While no single approach can solve financial health crisis that affects many families struggling to provide and pay for child and eldercare, we hope to learn and share ideas that each of us is exploring.

Please join Asset Funders Network and Citi for a virtual funder-only conversation on May 5, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. ET about the challenges, tested interventions and promising new insights for addressing the way we think about our work to address women, debt, and dependent care.


The program will begin with insights from Citi on key learnings and related work followed by collaborative group conversation and sharing. Participants should come ready to discuss their own learnings around key questions:

  • What financial health trends are currently influencing your work around women, debt and care giving?
  • What partnerships are you finding most impactful to understand, frame, and address the
    challenges for financial health of caregivers
  • How can further collaboration and coordination among funders add value to our work? Are there key examples to point to?
  • What are the key pieces of research shaping the way you think about caregiving that every funder should be aware of?

Please RSVP to by Tuesday, April 28th to attend this event.  Login information will be shared on April 29th to participants.

For more information please contact Leah Mayor via email at