Regional Event in New Mexico

New Mexico: Collaborating Toward Economic Security and Prosperity for All New Mexicans

The New Mexico Asset Funders Network chapter will host a free one-day convening in Albuquerque, NM for New Mexico based grantmakers, nonprofits, CDFIs, credit unions, and banks. The day will include presenters, panel discussions, lunch, and facilitated working groups focused on collaborating toward economic security and prosperity for all New Mexicans through asset building strategies and advocacy.

We invite you to join us as we build alignment among nonprofits, policy-makers, funders, and financial institutions toward economic prosperity for low-and-middle-income communities across New Mexico.

 Registration is free!

SPONSORED BY the NMAFN Steering Committee:

Co-chair, Sara Keller, Southwest Capital Bank

Co-chair, Henry Rael, McCune Charitable Foundation

Member, Laura Altomare, Homewise

Member, Robin Brulé, Nusenda Credit Union

Member, Amy Donafrio, Con Alma Health Foundation

Member, Darrell Garcia, Nusenda Credit Union

Member, Mike Loftin, Homewise

Member, Winona Nava, Guadalupe Credit Union

Member, Pat Nie, Wells Fargo Bank

Member, Joohee Rand, Santa Fe Community Foundation

Member, Debi Randall, Wells Fargo Bank

Member, Dolores Roybal, Con Alma Health Foundation

ABOUT NMAFN: NMAFN is a regional chapter of grantmakers who invest in opportunities for low- and moderate-income individuals and families to build economic well-being. Members can include private, public, corporate, and community foundations, public-sector funders, and financial institutions who want to help New Mexicans secure economic stability, for now and for years to come.

New Mexico AFN seeks to connect funders and their peers in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors. Together they will be able to share promising programs and smart strategies, gather knowledge to make their grantmaking more effective, and work to increase investments in asset building.

New Mexico AFN was launched in 2017 as a regional affiliate of the national Asset Funders Network. Membership is open to funders who invest in a range of initiatives that build assets for New Mexicans, from early childhood education, college access, or workforce development to health, financial education, or micro-enterprise. Today, New Mexico AFN members gather regularly for funders-only sharing of ideas, and to develop plans for increased impact in the region.

QUESTIONS? Email New Mexico Regional Program Officer, Gabrielle Uballez, at