AFN Member Conversation, Webinar

AFN Virtual Roundtable Discussion Series: Philanthropic Strategies to Support Youth and Young Adult Financial Well-Being

Roundtable #3: Facilitating Youth Financial Well-Being: Philanthropic Approaches to Advance Youth Financial Capability, Support, and Guidance

Young adults are at a unique developmental moment. They need support, guidance, and mentoring from caring adults and peers. This includes career, financial, and benefits advising and navigation support. The roundtable discussion will focus on post-secondary students. It will address strategies to support students in managing their critical life decisions, such as financial coaching, college/career advising, and other forms of life-stage relevant navigation support.

Attend this roundtable discussion to:

  • Discuss the unique needs of students working to meet tuition obligations and manage other areas of their finances.
  • Learn about programs that provide support and guidance and help to eliminate barriers to achieving student success.
  • Explore philanthropic strategies to address support and guidance for youth and young adults.

Session spotlight: Post-secondary students. Discuss the unique needs of students working to meet tuition obligations as well as manage other areas of their finances.

Roundtable Discussion Series

This session is part of the Roundtable Discussion Series that includes four sessions for members only. Each session will be designed as a standalone discussion, but members are encouraged to attend the entire series. View the entire series and dates here.

Contact Karen Murrell with any questions.


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