
2022 Biennial Grantmaker Conference – Fall 2022

Welcome to AFN’s biennial conference!

Accelerating Ideas into Action:

Rebuilding a More Equitable & Anti-Racist Economy

September 13-15, 2022
Oakland, CA

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This moment calls us to reimagine long-broken systems and rebuild what’s broken into something much greater than our past. How might we forward our call for an economy that builds assets rather than depleting them? What might it look like if new polices account for our health and deliver on the mandate for racial justice?

AFN’s 2022 biennial conference focuses on philanthropic strategies and immediate action to build greater economic security and upward mobility. The racial reckoning led by Black Americans exposed centuries of systems built for the purpose of exclusion. It rallied communities, government, corporations and philanthropy to make bigger moves.

Philanthropy has the freedom to invest in new ideas, initiatives, and solutions that move us toward a more equitable and anti-racist economy.

Great change, and also great peril, are possible. Sharing solutions, laying the ground-work for collaboration, and building relationships for deeper coordination can only strengthen our work. Join us in Oakland this September and share in this extraordinary moment to create a more equitable and anti-racist economy.

Why Oakland?

The Bay Area is AFN’s first regional chapter of grantmakers and the birthplace of many of our field’s most innovative strategies. As one of the most ethnically diverse major cities in the country, Oakland is an ideal place to bring grantmakers together to explore the cutting edge ideas and initiatives that will move us toward a more equitable and anti-racist economy. With more than 50 distinct neighborhoods, a vibrant arts scene, and world class restaurants, we hope you will join us in Oakland to learn and connect with your peers in this inspiring city.

Who is eligible to attend?

Attendance at AFN conferences is open to current AFN members and affiliate members, staff and trustees of grantmaking institutions, individual donors with annual giving greater than $100,000, staff of philanthropy supporting infrastructure groups, and public funding agencies devoting more than half of their operating budget to grants for external activities. Please see AFN’s membership policy for more information or contact Kristin Rennels, Membership Director, at

Invited speakers representing organizations eligible for AFN membership are welcome to participate in the full conference.

Invited speakers representing grant-seeking organizations ineligible for AFN membership are invited to attend on the day of their scheduled remarks only.

Would you like to pay the member rate? JOIN NOW TO SAVE

We are currently seeking conference sponsors. Contact Kristin Rennels, Membership Director, at to learn more.