Show me the money!
Where is capital going, how is it being distributed, and what purpose is it serving?

On October 6th, AFN and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis held a sneak peek and tour of the newly enhanced Community Investment Explorer (CIE) 2.0. Created by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the CIE tool uses interactive maps to show locations of over 73 million transactions totaling over $3.2 trillion in community and economic development capital from 2012 to 2020.

This was a virtual opportunity to explore investments in your backyard and see data from 10 community and economic development programs, including the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, the Community Development Block Grant, the New Markets Tax Credit, and others.

CIE 2.0

Attendees learned how the tool can effectively answer questions such as:

  • How did businesses in lower income areas in your community do with accessing PPP funds?
  • How much access do communities of color have to CDBG funds in your metro?
  • How well do LMI communities access community and economic development capital?
  • How well do communities of color access community and economic development capital?
  • Which micropolitan areas are effective with attracting CDFI capital?


Mike Eggleston, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Trisha Finnegan, Community Foundation of Louisville
Sara Miller, Hope Policy Institute
Daffney Moore, St. Louis Development Corporation




More information on the CIE Tool 2.0, including a video tutorial
Arkansas AFN’s Access to Capital Report
Hope Policy Institute’s Report on New Markets Tax Credits
Michael Eggleston’s contact information for help locating your local Federal Reserve representative:

Co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Asset Funders Network.