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Showcasing organizations that are confronting racial bias through asset building philanthropy.

To inspire grantmakers to begin and continue the journey toward realizing economic justice within their own organizations and grantmaking, AFN presents a series of case stories with five AFN members that are confronting racial bias by incorporating economic justice and equity into grantmaking, policies, and operations with clear and deep intention. In their own voices, these five funders share their journeys, learnings, and reflections.

San Antonio Area Foundation
Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation


1. DEVELOPING A SHARED LANGUAGE and incorporating a new framework for grantmaker investment strategies.

2. CENTERING COMMUNITY VOICE and focusing on the most impacted people in various phases of the grantmaking process.

3. HIGHLIGHTING THE TOOLS used in the funding process to foreground racial equity.

4. MEASURING OUTCOMES when a racial equity lens is incorporated in the grantmaking process.

5. EXAMINING INTERNAL PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES, including the diversity of the board and staff, internal procurement processes, and external and internal communications.

Case Stories

“There is no perfect way to begin a journey toward realizing racial and economic justice. Learning and doing can, and should, happen simultaneously. Let’s act from where we are today, so that tomorrow, race will no longer determine life outcomes for anyone.”

Gabrielle Uballez | Asset Funders Network
Southwest Program Officer

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