Brandi Hinkle is a senior public affairs representative with Entergy Arkansas and works primarily in Corporate Social Responsibility. In this role, she supports programs to help low-income customers, those with disabilities and the elderly stay connected and manage their usage, as well as other programs to support those customers.

Additionally, she manages the company’s corporate and foundation giving program for nonprofits, which support education/workforce development, poverty solutions and environmental programs, as well as arts and culture, community improvement/enrichment, and healthy families.

Entergy Arkansas also has a robust volunteer program, which is also focused on helping nonprofits in those areas with man-hours as well as grants that employees can earn for their chosen charity. Hinkle spent many years working in state government, but her professional experience in public relations and business encompasses both public and private sector. She holds degrees from Arkansas State University (Go, Red Wolves!), is a longtime volunteer with the Arkansas Department of Human Service and The C.A.L.L., and is also on the board of directors for The Repertory Theatre. A former foster parent, she and her daughter, Emma, reside in Little Rock.