AFN is partnering with the Center for Financial Security (CFS) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison to explore how financial capability service delivery has evolved in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and what these shifts mean for funders in supporting equitable, effective services in the future. CFS is launching a national survey to hear from financial practitioners and program leaders who can shed light on how clients have engaged with their services, how these shifts will impact their services going forward, and the role that funders can play in supporting virtual service delivery. The survey is for professionals providing clients with Financial Capability and Asset Building services including financial education, counseling, coaching, emergency assistance, benefits navigation, housing, workforce development and related services.
Upon completion of the survey, respondents will have the opportunity to enter a free drawing for a chance to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards. Respondents will also be invited to a preview of survey findings prior to public release in an online webinar presentation. All answers will be confidential, and responses will not be stored with identifying information.
Click the button below to access the survey.