
WEBINAR: The Changing Nature of Work and Income

How Philanthropy Can Respond to and Support Low-Income Families

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Income volatility undermines every investment in education, public health, and economic development, chipping away at what would otherwise be positive returns. Grantmakers, nonprofit service providers, employers and policy makers were invited to Join Asset Funders Network for a webinar on November 29, 2017 as we focused on this issue and launched a new funder brief on income volatility and the changing nature of work. In this webinar, we discussed how income volatility challenges working Americans and we explored emerging strategies to address income volatility and economic insecurity through workplace advancements. Speakers included Ida Rademacher, Aspen Institute; Don E. Baylor, Jr.; The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Kimberly Ostrowski, Prudential Foundation; moderated by Leah Mayor, Asset Funders Network.