
Towards Health Equity: Measuring Health Outcomes in Community-Based Programs

We know how difficult it is to keep up with the research related to the asset-building field. Our quarterly Expert Insights makes it easy by bringing you the latest trends and implications in a short, conversational webinar that is less than an hour.  Designed with funders in mind, our Expert Insights is open to all audiences.

What does it take to evaluate health outcomes across a range of community-based programs?

How can standardized measurement practices help us advance health equity, advocate for cross-sector partnerships, and improve health outcomes for neighborhood residents?

Join us on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 12 pm ET, for AFN’s spring Expert Insights briefing on what it takes to measure health outcomes in ways that address health inequities and resonate with the health care sector. Hear from report co-authors, Jessica Mulcahy with Success Measures at NeighborWorks America and Lindsay Eilers with Enterprise Community Partners, to inform your investment strategies for advancing health equity.

This insightful, high-level briefing will address these questions and provide you with:

  • A framework to connect community-based work and individual health outcomes, advocate for cross-sector partnerships, and improve health outcomes for residents.
  • A call to action for cross-sector partners to find scalable solutions to the complex community challenges that are the root causes of many of the health disparities we see today.

For the full report, On the Path to Health Equity: Building Capacity to Measure Health Outcomes in Community Development visit Enterprise Community Partners website or Success Measures at NeighborWorks America website.

We want your help in shaping the conversation.  Please submit your questions in advance when you register.



Lindsay Eilers, Enterprise Community Partners
Jessica Mulcahy, Success Measures at NeighborWorks America
moderator: Christi Baker, Asset Funders Network


More on the topic and presentation:

Health inequities persist.  Disparities are heavily influenced by people’s living and working conditions, also known as the social determinants of health (SDOH), and require intentional, cross-sector partnerships to address them.  For decades, community-based organizations have been addressing health’s root causes, but have lacked the standardized measurement practices and “evidence-based solutions” to form strong bonds with the health care sector.

A new report by Enterprise Community Partners and NeighborWorks America highlights findings from the Health Outcomes Demonstration Project, which equipped 20 affordable housing and community development organizations with tools, resources, skills, and knowledge to evaluate health outcomes across a range of programs.  By the end of the project, the organizations were able to connect their work with health outcomes, engage in deeper partnerships with the health sector, and move toward health equity.