California: The Economic Moment & What Philanthropy Can Do
Open to all:
Join Bay Area Asset Funders Network and NCG for an interactive discussion on where we are today; where we need to be and what programs, policies, and systems we need to reconsider in order to have an economy that works for all.
COVID 19 is leading to an economic collapse of proportions we have not seen since the Great Depression. Leaders across sectors are acting swiftly in order to be responsive to the crisis at hand. However, we have known for many years that the economy was not working for our most vulnerable populations and has been exacerbating racial inequality. The strategies of the past will not be what brings is to the economic future we need. It’s time rethink our economy and reimagine a future which works for all.
Panelists will share:
- An analysis of existing state & federal government pandemic response who is still left out
- Where California is taking a leadership position and where we need to focus our efforts
- Bold policy and program strategies
- The need for a racial equity lens in funder responses
- A framework of a future reimagined which works for all
Alexandra Bastien, Financial Stability Program Officer
Chris Hoene, Executive Director