Surprised? We’re Not: The Disparate Impact of COVID 19 on Low-Income Workers and What Funders Should Do About it
An Online AFN Member Discussion:
We have known for decades that the economy was not working for us all. The global pandemic has further highlighted the historic structural and systemic issues which have created insurmountable challenges to the economic security and stability of American workers, especially for low-income workers who tend to be primarily women and people of color.
Join AFN members for an informal peer conversation about how to support worker financial health, not only in this moment, but also looking towards the future. Key questions we will discuss include what strategies are you and your colleagues discussing to help support low-income workers facing job upheaval in this unprecedented moment? What creative or innovative approaches have you observed that could be ready for replication? What are the longer-term strategies that you are supporting? Join us to share your ideas, connect, and discuss with your peers.
Now is the time to think and act boldly with courageous ideas and action that not only support the current economic survival of workers impacted by COVID 19 but to reimagine and rebuild a future in which workers thrive. This conversation can include supporting more equitable public policies as well as workers’ rights and advocacy movements which lift up worker voices to shape a more equitable financial future.