San Antonio: When a Job is Not Enough
Signs of financial stress among US workers are all around us. Nearly half of employees lack emergency savings, and find it difficult to cover their expenses and pay their bills. More than 50% of employees say they are somewhat or very stressed about their finances. One third of employees say they are less productive at work because of their financial stress.
Join us on Tuesday, December 3 to hear the findings from a new report, When A Job Is Not Enough: Employee Financial Wellness and the Role of Philanthropy. Discussion will focus on the role San Antonio employers, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector can play in promoting financial well-being for economically vulnerable workers and their families.
– How integrating financial capability services into workplace settings help employers improve business outcomes.
– About locally based strategies that support individuals and families toward improved financial security; and
– How sector-based solutions inform awareness of the issue and begin inspiring interest and participation.
Geraldine Germain, Workforce Financial Stability Initiative, Social Policy Institute, Washington University in St. Louis
Panel Discussion to include:
– Markham P. Benn, Sr. Vice President, Commercial Lending, International Bank of Commerce
– Valerie Wendell – Senior Vice President, WorkLab Innovations
– Matt Hull, Executive Director, Texas Association of Community Development Corporations