AFN Member Conversation

Peer to Peer: Place Based Insights and Action for Equitable Small Business Relief

AFN Member-only webinar. Visit our membership page to find out if your organization is a member.

COVID-19 and the Movement for Black Lives have shed a light on the immediate need to help women and entrepreneurs of color stabilize and grow their small business financial health. COVID-19 has exacerbated historical inequities impacting businesses and the path to resiliency requiring philanthropies to think and act differently in targeted ways that build trust, develop partnerships, and offer flexibility and continued capital support for women and entrepreneurs of color.

Across the country, Asset Funders Network members are investing locally and regionally in funding strategies that focus on a continuum of capital access, technical assistance, and building a more collaborative ecosystem with a racial and gender equity lens. These investments are both responsive and forward thinking, with many of our funders dedicating continued research, funding, and learning to better support and grow small business.

Join us on May 20 at 12:30 – 1:45 EDT for a member-only peer-led discussion on reparative and responsive small business strategy for women and entrepreneurs of color. Session format will include: pre-registration survey overview, sharing from regional colleagues, and authentic dialogue in facilitated small break-outs.

  • Learn about how AFN peers are investing to support entrepreneurs of color and women-owned small businesses and their lessons learned to date
  • Share key learnings or questions from your own evolving strategy
  • Discuss approaches to address gaps and challenges with our boards, staff and partners
  • Leave with a contact list of AFN member peers who share your interest in supporting the stability and resilience of small businesses



Anna Beth Gorman, Executive Director, Women’s Foundation of Arkansas
Sara Keller, Vice President of Community Engagement, Nusenda Credit Union
Brett Mons,
Senior Associate for U.S. Equity and Economic Opportunity Initiative, The Rockefeller Foundation
Michael Van Leesten, Director of Organization Development & Stakeholder Engagement, Social Ventures Partners Connecticut


If you are a member who would like to view the recording, contact for a link to the recording of the presentation.

This session is part of the monthly series Peer-to-Peer: Place-Based Insights and Action. These virtual sessions will foster authentic dialogue and showcase peers’ framing and approach to issues that we care deeply about. Together we will explore models across the country, validating and challenging each other’s work for greater impact, alignment and efficacy.


This webinar series is supported by: