Regional Event in North Texas

North Texas: On Shaky Ground – Women, Financial Insecurity, and Strategies to Stabilize a Generation

AFN North Texas, peers and colleagues joined to learn how the gender wealth gap is impacting women ages 45-65, and to discuss responsive strategies for supporting this generation of women to build assets. The economic security of today’s families’ rests more on the shoulders of women than ever before. With this increased responsibility to bring income into the household, the reality is that women are earning less, have experienced greater asset depletion over their lives, and have less opportunity to build assets for retirement and long-term financial security.

While wealth generally increases with age, far too many women – especially women of color – aged 45-65 have insufficient wealth to retire with financial security. We took a closer look at what’s driving a new generation of women to risk aging into poverty and learned about promising solutions – both policy and practice – to effectively address the women’s wealth gap.


  • Dr. Amy Castro Baker, University of Pennsylvania
  • Tracey Gronniger, Directing Attorney, Justice in Aging
  • Cortney M. Nicolato, Senior Source
  • Mona Masri, Program Officer, Asset Funders Network