Millions of Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck without sufficient liquid resources that can be quickly converted into cash to deal with financial shocks. In fact, prior to the pandemic, nearly 40 percent of Americans did not have enough savings on hand to cover a $400 emergency. COVID-19 has exposed long-standing racial and economic inequities that have been left unaddressed. One solution that has gained enormous attention in recent years is a guaranteed basic income. In fact in the U.S. there are over 50 guaranteed basic income pilots with over 20 in California alone! With so many pilots taking place, larger questions remain… what is the longer term policy solution and how do we get there?

On October 14, 2021 Bay Area AFN held a funder convening to hear from key thought leaders working on guaranteed basic income to better understand:

  • The broader vision for guaranteed basic income;
  • Public policy considerations & promising paths forward; and
  • How philanthropy can support moving the work from pilots to policy solutions

Watch the webinar now to learn about the opportunity for philanthropy to invest in strategies that will ultimately build systemic support for guaranteed basic income for those who most need it.


Chris Hoene (moderator), Executive Director, California Budget and Policy Center (CABC)
Kelly Bathgate, Chief Program Officer, Tipping Point Community
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, Second District of Los Angeles County
Michael Tubbs, Founder / Executive Chairman of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income
Founder / Executive Director of Ending Poverty in California
Special Advisor to California Governor Gavin Newsom for Economic Mobility
Former Mayor City of Stockton