Regional Event in Bay Area

Bay Area: Learning + Action Series: Inclusive Economy

East Bay Community Foundation and Asset Funders Network met for an Inclusive Economy Learning + Action Series for funders, policy makers and practitioners concerned about the future of low and middle wage workers in the region, many of whom are people of color, immigrants, and those impacted by the justice system. In spite of the economic boom, income inequality is on the rise, with African Americans and Latinos over-represented among the lowest earning households. The poverty rate for African Americans is more than double the overall poverty rate in the region, and these rates are exacerbated when you adjust for high housing costs in the region. Rents continue to rise, while wages have stagnated. Middle-wage job opportunities continue to shrink, deepening inequality.

This community of funders and practitioners are working to create an Inclusive Bay Area Economy that provides equitable opportunities for good jobs, entrepreneurship, career pathways, and asset building, especially for those who are traditionally left behind. We envision a just Bay Area with vibrant, resilient communities, strong local economies, and thriving industries that contribute to the health, well-being, and prosperity of all residents and a sustainable environment.

We can achieve an inclusive economy when those who are furthest from economic opportunity fully participate in and benefit from economic decisions that shape their neighborhoods and the region. The Learning + Action Series was organized around the key strategies that are essential in creating a truly inclusive Bay Area economy that creates conditions for asset-building among low-income communities of color.

  • Policy & Systems Change
  • Business and Capital Innovations, and
  • Community Leadership, Power + Ownership.

Each session featured local thought leaders and practitioners and provided space for funders and donors to strategize solutions and take collective action.

July 10, 2018 – Policies for an Inclusive Economy What are the toolbox of “inclusive economy” policies, and what do they look like in real time? What role can asset funders play? East Bay Community Foundation 200 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza Oakland, CA 94612

September 1, 2018 – Building Community Economic Power + Ownership – Organizers shared their vision of community ownership, analysis of what’s needed to get there, and how funders can partner on strategies. Northern California Grantmakers 160 Spear Street, Suite 360 San Francisco, CA 94105

October 11, 2018 – Shifting Capital Towards Community Wealth-Building – Participants learned creative ways of shifting capital towards community wealth-building and the important role philanthropy plays. Silicon Valley Community Foundation 1300 S El Camino Real San Mateo, CA 94402

November 1, 2018 – Asset Funders Network Convening Innovating an Inclusive Economy – Participants heard from community innovators who are developing new business models and practices that embody an Inclusive Economy and build community wealth. Preservation Park, Oakland, CA