Bay Area: Aging into Poverty: Ensuring Seniors’ Golden Years Remain Golden
Aging into Poverty: Ensuring Seniors’ Golden Years Remain Golden
Currently, one in five seniors in California is living at or below poverty – the highest rate in the country. With the demographic changes underway in the State, the challenges of senior poverty are likely to increase even if this rate remains unchanged. The Governor presents a promising opportunity to addressing senior poverty with the Master Plan for Aging, but more is needed to fill the gaps. Where can philanthropy support policy and programmatic strategies showing promise? How can cross sector collaboration reduce economic security challenges?
Inequities in our region are only exacerbated for seniors, especially seniors of color and women of color. During this convening, our expert speakers will showcase opportunities in responding to:
- Legacy effect of the wage gap on retirement benefits
- Caregiving expenses
- Lack of sufficient safety net
- Effects of women’s longer life expectancy
- Low wages
- Lack of affordable housing leading to homelessness
- Workplace ageism
- Medical, student loan, housing, and other types of debt
Join us to better understand how funders can respond to the senior poverty crisis upon us. With thoughtful strategy and cross sector collaboration we can reduce existing levels of economic insecurity and racial inequities specific to seniors, and break down the additional factors women have to face.
Speakers Include:
Kevin Prindiville — Justice In Aging
Gina Di Giusto – Housing & Economic Rights Advocates (HERA)
Shirin Vakharia – Marin Community Foundation
Shireen McSpadden – San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services
We look forward to seeing you on October 24th, 2019.