AFN Member Conversation, Webinar

AFN Virtual Roundtable Discussion Series: Philanthropic Strategies to Support Youth and Young Adult Financial Well-Being

*Registration for this session has reached capacity and is now closed*

Roundtable # 4: Facilitating Youth Financial Well-Being: Funder Frameworks to Integrate and Support all Conditions

Young adults need four mutually reinforcing conditions to experience financial well-being and to be on track for financial security and economic success in adulthood: financial stability, opportunity pathways, financial capability, and developmentally appropriate support and guidance. All four elements are needed. None is sufficient on their own, and they interact and support each other in critical ways. This session will build on the previous three roundtables and feature peer-to-peer discussions about funder frameworks to integrate and support the four financial well-being conditions.

Attend this roundtable discussion to:

  • Discuss grantmaking considerations that advance financial security for young people.
  • Share practical strategies for funders to integrate the four financial well-being conditions in their investments.
  • Exchange information with your grantmaker peers about youth and young adult financial well-being philanthropic approaches.
Roundtable Discussion Series

This session is the final session of the Roundtable Discussion Series that includes four sessions for members only. Each session is designed as a standalone discussion, but members are encouraged to attend the entire series. View the entire series and dates here.

Contact Karen Murrell with any questions.



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