
Advancing Shared Equity Homeownership as a Tool for Sharing Property and Power

As homeownership is increasingly unaffordable for working households, shared equity homeownership is a tool for expanding access to stable and affordable homeownership.

Shared equity homeownership creates a path to economic security and expansively defined wealth for individuals, communities, and future generations. By making homeownership more accessible and equitable, shared equity homeownership preserves more communities and their assets. With intention, shared equity homeownership reduces homeownership disparities across race, gender, and geography and can serve as an instrument for system change and economic justice.

Through long-term affordability built on an initial subsidy investment, shared equity homeownership offers an affordable alternative to market-rate homeownership for families with low to moderate incomes now and in the future. After first emerging during the civil rights movement, shared equity homeownership models now include community land trusts, deed-restricted homes, limited-equity housing cooperatives, and resident-owned communities.

Join us for the release of AFN’s new brief Advancing Shared Equity Homeownership as a Tool for Sharing Property and Power to learn about this proven approach to expand homeownership and asset building. Hear from grantmakers and practitioners who are expanding on innovative models that enable more people to access the benefits of homeownership and community ownership.

Designed with funders in mind, this webinar is open to all audiences. Participants will:

  • Explore the different models and benefits of shared equity homeownership,
  • Learn about philanthropic investment strategies and approaches, and
  • Discuss what is needed to expand equitable opportunities via shared equity homeownership.

We want your help in shaping the conversation. Please submit your questions in advance when you register.


Paula D’Ambrosa, Prudential
Devin Culbertson, Grounded Solutions Network

Accessibility Statement
Captioning will be provided. If you have any other accessibility requests or questions, please email Nikki Armstead at nikki@assetfunders.org.  Requests for reasonable accommodations must be received by August 15, 2024, to ensure our ability to meet your request.