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About Membership

Who may join AFN?

AFN welcomes institutional and individual grantmakers. AFN members are grantmakers whose primary focus and mission is to provide funding to programs in their communities and nationwide with a focus in asset building, economic justice, and equitable economic security.

Eligible members of AFN include:

  • Private and Family Grantmaking Foundations
  • Corporate Foundations and Corporate Responsibility/Giving Programs
  • Community Foundations
  • Health Conversion Foundations
  • Financial Institutions
  • Credit Unions and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) with an asset building purpose*
  • Public Funded Foundations devoting more than half of their operating budget to grants for external activities to external, non-related grantees
  • United Ways (that serve the community as a grantmaker)
  • Venture Philanthropy Partnerships
  • Donor Advised Funds who are active grantmakers supporting asset building directly or indirectly
  • Individual donors who contribute at least $100,000 annually to external community grantees with a focus on economic asset building
  • Membership organization focused on the array of asset building, fundraising to regrant funds as a primary focus, with minimal direct service delivery
  • Health systems that provide community or charitable purpose grants that invest in SDOH and advance economic security or asset building

*To be eligible for membership, Credit Unions and CDFIs must provide checking and savings services and/or lending that addresses household and multi-generational wealth building, funded in part through their own net revenue targeted to asset building. Membership eligibility is assessed on a case by case basis due to the diversity of organizational operations. 

AFN also welcomes peer organizations and government agencies as Affiliate members. We work directly with interested organizations to develop a partnership agreement to support mutual sharing of resources and knowledge. Affiliate members include:

  • Regional Associations of Grantmakers
  • Philanthropic Support Organizations
  • Federal Reserve Regional Banks
  • FDIC Regional/Field Offices

On any given regional project, AFN may partner with:

  • Municipal or State Agencies
  • Treasurers
  • Public Health Departments

See our current members.

Who is ineligible to join AFN?

While AFN welcomes many organizations as members, there are a few exceptions. Below is a list of those that are ineligible to join AFN, but are welcome to participate in our public sessions.

  • Fundraising or development staff. Members of AFN must oversee or manage an organization’s giving programs.
  • Nonprofit organizations who re-grant funds
  • Nonprofit or membership organization where philanthropy is not a primary mission
  • Practitioners (including charitable organization and private foundations who use revenues, grant, or public funds to provide matches or otherwise invest in asset building)
  • Private foundations which use their endowment or fundraising for internal programs or operations
  • Advocates
  • Researchers
  • For-Profit business who provide grants designed to advance their for-profit products
  • Independent Consultants

How do I know if I fund asset building?

Assets are the resources that help people build economic stability, for now and for years to come. Are you funding programs that allow low and middle income people to care for their health, build job skills, obtain a degree, or create retirement savings? Do you invest in opportunities for families to save for children’s college education, buy a home, open a business, or grow skills to manage their financial life? Are you working to dismantle systemic barriers people face when trying to build economic security? Are you confronting inequities based on race and gender? Then you too are an asset builder.

Learn more about asset building and join the one and only membership organization focused on these solutions.

What do members get? What do members do?

Members get connected to peers and colleagues in the one and only network of grantmakers focused on building economic well-being for low and middle income people. This multiplies the potential for knowledge-building and strategy-sharing. Members participate in national conferences and regional forums, learn about the latest ideas through webinars, briefs, in-person convenings, and online newsletters. They move beyond their discipline to connect with innovators in the field who help leverage their impact. They build support in their own communities for more asset-building opportunities. See the benefits of membership and join us.

What are AFN's annual membership fees?

Standard Membership fees correspond to the institution’s current year grants budget:

Grant Budget Fee
Up to $1 million $1,000
Between $1 million and $3 million $2,000
Between $3 million and $10 million $3,500
Between $10 million to $49.9 million $5,000
$50 million or more $10,000


There are also other ways to join which increase your national impact, connect you to a region’s work, or leverage your presence at AFN’s conference:

  • National Support: For national entities who are willing and able to make larger or multi-year financial contributions to AFN’s work.
  • Regional Support: For grantmakers who support dedicated work in a region; fees are set locally by each chapter.
  • Conference Sponsorship: For sponsors of AFN’s National Grantmaker Conference, held in a new locale every two years. Next conference is in 2026.

What is the duration of my membership?

Membership is annual, for the 12 months of the calendar year. We accept payment during the year or the quarter before for the next year to align payment with the funding schedule of the grantmaker.

How do I become a member of AFN?

Please complete the membership application form or contact us with any questions.

How do I start a regional AFN chapter?

AFN supports the development of regional chapters in areas with interested grantmakers. Please contact Kristin Rennels to explore the creation of a chapter in your area.

How do I renew my annual AFN membership?

Please fill out our membership renewal form, or contact us for assistance.

Other Ways to Get Involved

I can't become a member right now. How can I stay connected?

Join our email list to receive our newsletter. We will keep you up to date on webinars, publications, and chapter events, and offer an inside track to other activities in the asset-building community.

How can I contribute ideas or materials for AFN to share?

We welcome information about events, publications, or other resources that promote economic well-being for all. Please email materials to Kristin Rennels for consideration.

My organization doesn't yet see what we fund as asset building. How can AFN help me make this connection?

Any initiative that builds opportunities for economic well-being is an asset-building initiative. Efforts that work to dismantle systemic barriers or inequities based on race and gender are vital to move families from simply getting by to getting ahead. We welcome the chance to help connect your work to the asset-building field. We’re available for phone consultations and in-person meetings with your organization and any appropriate staff or trustees, and we’ll supply materials to strengthen the case. Please contact us for assistance.