Guest-curated by Liberation Ventures, California Philanthropy: A Roadmap for Repair will explore how a culture of repair can inspire new models of philanthropy.
Join 140 philanthropic and social sector leaders with the common goal of advancing economic justice and racial equity in the Bay Area, California, and beyond. Plenary and breakout sessions will guide attendees through the iterative cycle of repair–reckoning, acknowledgment, accountability, and redress–and explore its application to asset-building philanthropy in the Bay Area. The conference will center California’s repair ecosystem with the first state-appointed task force in the nation to explore reparations and will spotlight California’s Truth and Health Council.
Co-presented with Philanthropy California, this conference promises to strengthen the economic security field, deepen economic equity perspectives, and build new relationships among economic justice practitioners. Join us on March 20, 2025, in Oakland as we chart a roadmap for repair.