Amplifying the rising tide of voices for racial justice, the COVID-19 crisis brought long held, ongoing racial inequities into sharp focus as Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color experienced disproportionately higher rates of illness and death from the virus. To construct a better future we must address the root causes of the racial inequities and wealth disparities that exact such a heavy toll on our communities.

On March 26, 2021 AFN held a learning discussion exploring a place-based model creating racial and economic justice through community-led change: the Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable. This shared table of majority BIPOC grantmakers and community organizations works actively to build trust, shift narratives, develop a shared policy and action agenda as well as more inclusive funding practices.

Watch the webinar recording if you are interested in co-creating models for community led change and collective sustained action for racial and economic justice, and watch the discussion with Roundtable participants as they explain their “why” in supporting this effort as well as the origins, evolution, and structure of this replicable approach.


This webinar was part our COVID-19 Learning Series generously sponsored by: