Debt to Society: The Case for Bold, Equitable Student Loan Cancellation and Reform

A Demos report that discusses several policy options to make student loans less burdensome, more humane, and less complicated.

A “path toward relief that is race-forward and transformative, and a way to restructure the system such that anyone with debt would be considerably better off than they are under the current confusing, punitive regime. This report makes the case for strong action on student debt relief and discusses several policy options to make student loans less burdensome, more humane, and less complicated.”

CONTINUE READING on the Demos website.

Want to read more on college and student loans?

A Blueprint for College without Debt also by Demos offers a well written analysis of state by state disinvestment in higher education, the growth of promise programs, and the array of possible solutions to reinvest in affordable college to advance equity for the future workforce.