COVID-19 is radically reshaping many aspects of people’s financial health, including their housing security. The economic fallout is disproportionately impacting communities of color due to systemic inequities related to race, housing, employment, and more. As the protections put in place at the start of the pandemic fade away, we are facing an eviction tsunami that will disparately displace Black and Latinx families.

On August 25, AFN’s summer Expert Insights briefed attendees on rental risks and evictions related to COVID-19. We heard from Solomon Greene with The Urban Institute and Dr. Christie Cade of NeighborWorks America.

How can philanthropy support effective and equitable responses to the eviction crisis?

What is the scale of the problem, and what is the impact on communities of color?

This powerful, high-level briefing will provide you with:

  • Latest data and research on how COVID-19 is widening racial disparities in rental markets.
  • Potential solutions to prevent evictions in the near term and address longstanding structural issues related to race and rental housing.



NeighborWorks America:
The 3 organizations referenced in the presentation:
Please visit the NeighborWorks website for more information and training.

The Urban Institute:
New Data Suggest COVID-19 is Widening Housing Disparities by Race and Income
Reimagining an Antiracist America—Starting with Our Neighborhoods

Housing Distress in the Time of COVID-19 from the Center for Household Financial Stability at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

From The Aspen Institute:
National eviction risk projections (including state-by-state estimates) from Aspen Institute, Financial Security Program
Article aggregates the existing research related to the COVID-19 housing crisis, and frames the growing potential for widespread displacement and homelessness across the United States.